My Heart Beats For You

Monday, 16 March 2015

Just...stop. On Second Thought, Don't.

So a few months ago, I decided, “Why the fuck not?” and submitted a story to for their Afro-futurism anthology.

In retrospect, that was so brave and yet so dumb.

On a scale of 1-10, my story was a cabbage.
No-one really likes cabbages. They don’t taste that bad, they have all these health benefits but you’ll never see anyone ask for cabbage at a restaurant or as their last meal unless life really (and I mean REALLY) screwed them over.


I’ve only read one story and already, my mind is blown. Brain bits everywhere, not gross at all; it’s actually quite beautiful.
And these are all very accomplished writers with actual books and accolades and their own presses.

I am not worthy.

So, I’m going to go cry in a corner with a bottle of wine like a suburban housewife. It shouldn’t take long.
Then I’m going to write some more ass wipes and hope that as I go along, I dry heave less.

P.s: You can check out them out here: